We've heard from a handful of users that they'd love to have the ability to configure certain word replacements beyond just the terms for "client" and "therapist". And so today we're announcing our latest configurable option -- Find & Replace!
If you edit your note preferences (either when generating a note or by going to your "My Account" page), you can now configure as many "Find & Replace" entries as you'd like. Here's what it looks like:
How does this work, exactly?
These replacements occur after your note has been generated (but before it is shown to you). So if you find that the AI uses words that you'd rather have replaced with other words, add a Find & Replace entry to account for that.
Maybe you're based in Canada and you want to introduce the alternative spellings to words like "colour", "favourite", etc.
Maybe it's a phrase that should be a proper noun in therapy, but your notes keep displaying it in lowercase. (For example, "play therapy" versus "Play Therapy".)
Maybe it's an acronym that you'd rather have always spelled out in its entirety.
These are all changes that users have always been able to edit on their own within each note, but now you can set it and forget it (as the made-for-TV advertisements would say) and have these changes applied each and every time.
So as you start to use this feature, keep us posted with how you like it! And as always, keep these feature requests coming! Thanks to the users that recommended this one!
Note: We quietly released this feature last week, so it's exciting to see that folks are already actively using this feature when generating their notes!