BIRP Note Example

Managing Panic Attacks

Client experiences frequent panic attacks and is learning management techniques.

Generated BIRP Note:

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Client reported recent panic attacks impacting her work and personal life. She described a sense of impending doom and difficulty breathing during these episodes. Client stated, "It feels like I’m going to die every time it happens."

Conducted a 30-minute virtual session. Explored possible triggers for the client's panic attacks. Discussed management techniques including deep breathing and grounding exercises.

Client seemed receptive to the information provided and expressed eagerness to implement the strategies discussed.

Assigned homework to practice deep breathing exercises twice a day. Scheduled the next session for two weeks from today.

Client Session Summary:

Here's the summary of this client session.

Client had a 30-minute virtual session today. She talked about her recent panic attacks and how they have been affecting her work and personal life. Ummm, she described feeling a sense of impending doom and difficulty breathing during these episodes. She said, "It feels like I’m going to die every time it happens." We explored possible triggers and discussed techniques for managing panic attacks, such as deep breathing and grounding exercises. Client’s homework is to practice deep breathing exercises twice a day. She seemed receptive to the information and eager to implement the strategies. We scheduled our next session for two weeks from today.

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