The Great Plains Area Behavioral Health Conference aims to bring together professionals in the field to discuss and explore various aspects of behavioral health. Attendees can expect a series of keynote sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities. The conference will also feature a silent auction and vendor tables, providing additional engagement opportunities. The agenda includes a focus on the honor and wisdom of ancestors, emphasizing community and partnership.
Mental Health Conferences
Great Plains Area Behavioral Health Conference
The Great Plains Area Behavioral Health Conference is an in-person event held in Rapid City, South Dakota, focusing on various aspects of behavioral health. It features a lineup of notable speakers and offers opportunities for networking and professional development.
Conference Overview
Some quick details about this conference.
Time and Place
Maybe the most important details of the conference.
Conference Dates: September 10–12, 2024
Location: Box Elder Event Center
City/State: Rapid City, South Dakota
Address: 631 WaTiki Way, Rapid City, SD 57719
Event Format: in-person

Conference Organizer
This organization is hosting this conference.
Great Plains Behavioral Health Directors Association
This is the group that put together this event.
Notable Speakers
These folks will be speaking at the conference.
Don Lyons
Robyn Gomez
Chris Cuestas
CEU Details
Here's information on Continuing Education Units (or CEUs).
This event will offer continuing education units (CEU) through NAADAC, South Dakota Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals (SDBAPP) & South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners.
Sponsorship, Exhibitor, and Advertising Opportunities
If you're an organization that wants to contribute to this event, here are some details.
A limited number of vendor tables are available. Interested parties should contact Ellen Durkin for more information.
Other Links and Information
The above information is from the conference or event webpage. Please review the organization's website for official information, as that will be more up-to-date.
Reminder: This is an overview of this conference, and you should consult the official website for details on registration, fees, deadlines, and other details. Quill Therapy Solutions is maintaining this information to make it more accessible to the therapist and mental health professional community.
If you noticed an issue with the above information, please send us an email: (Ideally, include a link to the conference and the details that need to be corrected. Thank you!)
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