Mental Health Conferences

GCC Mental Health Conference 2024

The GCC Mental Health Conference 2024 is an annual event held in Houston, TX, focusing on mental health research and practice. It features keynote presentations and discussions from leading experts in the field.

Conference Overview

Some quick details about this conference.

The GCC Mental Health Conference 2024 aims to bring together professionals and researchers in the mental health field to discuss the latest advancements and challenges. Attendees can expect keynote presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with experts from various institutions. The conference will focus on innovative research and practical applications in mental health.

Time and Place

Maybe the most important details of the conference.

Conference Date: September 19, 2024

City/State: Houston, Texas

Event Format: in-person

Notable Speakers

These folks will be speaking at the conference.

Margarita Alegría

Harvard Medical School

Elizabeth Atkinson

Baylor College of Medicine

Hsiao-Tuan Chao

Baylor College of Medicine

Jessica Church-Lang

Univ. of Texas, Austin

Lisa (Irma) Cisneros

Univ. of Texas Medical Branch Galveston

Luz Garcini

Rice Univ.

Danny Gladden

Oracle Health

Elena Grigorenko

Univ. of Houston

Michelle Partiquin

Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston

Emily Reiser

Texas Medical Center Innovation

Phillip Ross

Safehinge Primera

Raquel Ybañez Salinas

Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston

Sponsorship, Exhibitor, and Advertising Opportunities

If you're an organization that wants to contribute to this event, here are some details.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for organizations interested in supporting the conference. Details can be found on the Sponsorship Opportunities page.

Other Links and Information

The above information is from the conference or event webpage. Please review the organization's website for official information, as that will be more up-to-date.

Reminder: This is an overview of this conference, and you should consult the official website for details on registration, fees, deadlines, and other details. Quill Therapy Solutions is maintaining this information to make it more accessible to the therapist and mental health professional community.

If you noticed an issue with the above information, please send us an email: (Ideally, include a link to the conference and the details that need to be corrected. Thank you!)