DAP Note Example

Anger Management

Client struggles with anger management and is learning relaxation techniques.

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Client attended a 60-minute session focused on his challenges with anger management. He described episodes of losing his temper with family members and conveyed feelings of guilt and concern for the impact on his relationships. Client stated, "I don’t want to be like this, but I can’t seem to control it," indicating distress over his current coping mechanisms. Introduced and practiced progressive muscle relaxation techniques during the session.

Client is aware of his anger management issues and the negative effects they have on family relationships. His verbalization of guilt and concern shows insight into the consequences of his behavior. The client's willingness to implement and practice relaxation techniques indicates a commitment to therapeutic interventions and change.

Assigned the client to practice the relaxation techniques as homework when anticipating feelings of anger. Scheduled to meet again next week to review progress and continue working on anger management strategies.

Client Session Summary:

Here's the summary of this client session.

Today’s 60-minute session with the client focused on his difficulty managing anger. He mentioned several incidents where he lost his temper with his family members. Ummm, client said he feels guilty afterward and worries about damaging his relationships. He said, "I don’t want to be like this, but I can’t seem to control it." We discussed the role of anger and how it can be managed effectively. We practiced some relaxation techniques, including progressive muscle relaxation. Client’s homework is to practice these techniques when he feels himself getting angry. He seemed committed to working on this and expressed a desire to improve. We’ll meet again next week.

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