DAP Note Example

Coping with Breakup

Client struggles with feelings of loss and isolation after a breakup.

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Client attended a 60-minute session at the therapist's office. Client discussed his recent breakup, exhibiting feelings of sadness and anger. Client mentioned isolating himself and increased alcohol consumption. He stated, "I feel so lost without her and don’t know how to move on." The therapist discussed healthy coping strategies and emphasized the importance of social support. Client agreed to limit alcohol use and contact a close friend.

Client is experiencing emotional distress following a breakup, which has led to self-isolation and increased alcohol use. Client displayed an understanding of the discussion on coping strategies and demonstrated a willingness to work towards change.

Client was assigned the homework of writing a letter to his ex-partner to help process his emotions, with emphasis on not sending it. The next session is scheduled for next week, where the therapist will review client's progress on his homework and current coping strategies.

Client Session Summary:

Here's the summary of this client session.

During today’s 60-minute session at the office, client discussed his recent breakup. He expressed feelings of sadness and anger, and he mentioned feeling betrayed by his partner. Ummm, he said he’s been isolating himself from friends and family and has been drinking more than usual. He said, "I feel so lost without her and don’t know how to move on." We talked about healthy coping strategies and the importance of reaching out for support. Client agreed to limit his alcohol intake and reach out to a close friend for support. His homework is to write a letter to his ex, not to send, but to process his feelings. Client appeared open to the suggestions and willing to try them. We’ll meet again next week.

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