Progress Note Example

Battling Depression

Client experiences symptoms of depression and is setting small, achievable goals.

Progress Notes:

Generated by Quill, of course.

Client Session Summary:

The above notes were generated by Quill based on this summary of a client session.

Client had a 40-minute phone session today. She talked about feeling depressed and unmotivated, saying that even getting out of bed is a struggle some days. Ummm, she mentioned losing interest in activities she used to enjoy and feeling disconnected from her friends. She said, "It’s like I’m stuck in a dark hole and can’t find a way out." We discussed the symptoms of depression and the importance of self-compassion. We set a small goal for her to take a short walk each day. Her homework is to journal about her feelings and any changes she notices. Client sounded a bit hesitant but agreed to try. Our next session is scheduled for next week.

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