HIPAA Compliant

Yes, Quill is HIPAA compliant.

Quill is designed with the highest security standards to help therapists securely generate clinical progress notes. We know how important it is to protect sensitive patient health information, which is why we've made sure our solution adheres to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA is a federal law that sets strict standards for safeguarding sensitive patient data and ensures the privacy and security of health information.

Data Security & Privacy: To maintain compliance with HIPAA's stringent requirements, we ensure that client data is protected through encryption, which keeps client information secure whether it is being transmitted or stored. This prevents unauthorized access and guarantees that client information is only available to those who are authorized to see it. Specifically, Quill does not even store any of the client data you transmit, so the risks are even lower.

Access Management: Our platform offers strong access management by implementing permissions and controls that restrict who can view or submit sensitive information. This ensures that only authorized individuals have the appropriate level of access, protecting the confidentiality of client information. Notes are not stored at Quill, and so the clinician will store any generated note long-term with their own Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

Shared Responsibility: To strengthen our commitment to HIPAA compliance, we have signed Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) with all of our technology and AI partners. These agreements ensure that any third-party services involved in data processing or storage adhere to the same stringent standards we uphold, providing an added layer of security and accountability. By partnering only with organizations that share our dedication to data protection, we reinforce a secure ecosystem that prioritizes client confidentiality at every step. This collaborative approach allows therapists to benefit from the efficiency and intelligence of AI while knowing that sensitive health information is protected.

Our platform provides therapists with peace of mind, knowing that their client or patient data is organized efficiently and managed with rigorous security protocols. This way, therapists can focus on what matters most: delivering high-quality care while trusting us to help safeguard their data in line with HIPAA's high standards.