PIRP Note Example

Low Self-Esteem Struggles

Client struggles with low self-esteem and is working on building positive self-talk.

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Client expressed difficulties related to low self-esteem, particularly feeling inadequate at work and engaging in negative self-comparisons. Client verbalized a sense of insufficiency, stating he often doubts his abilities and believes he is "not good enough." Additionally, client conveyed a feeling of inability to measure up to colleagues.

During the 45-minute session, the therapist discussed the impact of negative self-talk on self-esteem with the client. Techniques to bolster self-esteem were introduced.

Client acknowledged his struggles with low self-esteem and appeared somewhat skeptical about the interventions. However, he assented to implement the technique of writing down three positive things about himself daily as homework.

Client is to continue the self-esteem building exercise as homework. The therapist and client scheduled to reconvene in two weeks to assess the client's progress with the intervention.

Client Session Summary:

Here's the summary of this client session.

In today’s 45-minute session, client talked about his recent struggles with low self-esteem. He mentioned feeling inadequate at work and comparing himself to others. Ummm, client said he often doubts his abilities and feels like he’s, quote, "not good enough," unquote. He said, "I feel like I’ll never measure up to my colleagues." We discussed the impact of negative self-talk and introduced some techniques for building self-esteem. Client’s homework is to write down three positive things about himself each day. He seemed a bit skeptical but agreed to give it a try. We’ll meet again in two weeks to discuss his progress.

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